Learn To Connect to the Healing Angels

Would you like to be able to call on the 9 Healing Angels of IET (Integrated Energy Therapy to help you on your Self-Healing Spiritual Journey?

This Course Brings a Unique Gift of Healing

This 2- half day Virtual or in Person Course

Will help you Experience:

  • Feeling more Centered in your Body.
  • An Incredible Sense of Peace.
  • Expanding your Energy Field
  • Creating a Deeper Connection with Angels and Your Self.

Learn the key steps to connecting to the Healing Angels

In just 2 half days, you will learn how to connect to the Healing Angels of the Energy Field. You will gain insightful messages and healing gifts from each of the 9 Healing Angels. You will know how to invite them in, whenever you need healing support.

I would love to be on the waitlist
  • You will receive a a step-by-step guided student workbook.
  • Each of the 9 Healing Angels governs one cellular memory area, bringing a unique gift of healing.
  • You will gain a powerful four step process that enables you to energetically connect with the Healing Angels, developing your personal relationship with each of them.

Integrated Energy Therapy's Steps to Transformation: Steps 1-7

In these 7 steps you will learn how to:

  • Heartlink with your Angel.
  • Activate your 12 strand DNA.
  • Clear your Karma.
  • Achieve True Forgiveness.
  • Empower your Heart.
  • Journey to a Future Lifetime.
  • Cut Cords of Codependency.

Higher Steps to Transformation: Steps 8-14

In this 7 higher steps course you will learn:

  • Grid Healing.
  • Pure Joy.
  • Compassion.
  • Homecoming.
  • Unity in Action.
  • Ascension.
  • Being Love.

Hi I’m Malinda Starr

your Integrated Energy Therapy Master-Instructor

My journey begin with Integrated Energy Therapy in 2021 . As I was caring for my son, I felt the desire to be connected to the angels, wanting him to be surrounded, and guided by them during his transition. But, I didn't know them! This led me to, IET (Integrated Energy Therapy). Where I begin connecting to the Healing Angels of the Energy Field. Continuing with more IET classes, I became a Master Instructor in 2022.

I love connecting to the Angels and receiving their Divine Messages.

Together let's heal the world one-heart-at-a-time.

Much Love, Gratitude and Angel Blessings

Malinda Starr

Medicine Women, Priestess,

Quantum Energy Facilitator Healer,

Intuitive, Theatahealer Practitioner,

IET Master Instructor

Join the Waitlist

This course is for you, if are ready:

  • To embark on your personal transformation, unlocking your creativity and purpose.
  • To fully come alive in your life.
  • To transform your dormant potential into wonderful gifts of service and creativity, not only beneficial to you, but are also good for the world as a whole.
  • To experience a joy filled energetic expansion.


What is the Course Schedule?

These courses will be done as a group via a live zoom call, or can be done in person. The Healing Angels will be given as a 2 day course each day will be 4 hours long. The Steps and Higher Steps will be taught in single increments, each class lasting about two hours. It is recommended to take the steps in sequence, however once you have taken step 1 you may proceed in any sequence that speaks to you, that might address your specific interest.

Taking the Course Online vs in Person?

Don’t worry, you will receive a student workbook and your certificate in the mail prior to the start of your course. You will have a recorded session of your class that you will be able to access at anytime, especially, if you are unable to attend a scheduled class.

Can Anyone Learn to Connect to the Angels and Receive Messages?

Absolutely! If one thing’s for certain, everything you need is already within you. You will be fully supported as you gently release any limiting energy patterns of your past. Empowering and balancing your life in the present, helping you reach for the stars as you evolve into your future.

Let’s do this