Awaken the Priestess Within - ​Level 1
Spiritual Priestess Journey

The transformative power of working with Goddess Archetypes

Have I peeked your interest to a point? Where you would like to learn more about the transformative tools, utilized during your Spiritual Journey.

These tools will assist you in deepening your own spiritual practices and bringing forth the hidden Priestess Within.

An Introduction to Tools for the Priestess Journey.

  • Introduction to Ceremony, Ritual, and Intuitive Magic.
  • Are you ready to Evolve, and Step Fully into Embracing all of you.


  • Limiting Self-Will into your Soul's Mission.
  • Fear into Protection.
  • Powerlessness into Empowerment.
  • Heartache and Betrayal into Unconditional Love.
  • Shame into Spiritual Pride.
  • Uncertainty and Distrust into Divine Direction.
  • Guilt into Innocence.
  • Create the Story of your Life Unfolding the way you Desire.

Awaken the Priestess Within

Level 1 Tools for the

Spiritual Priestess Journey

Evolve, Unite, Blossom & Radiate.

Are you ready to Awaken the Priestess within and begin your Spiritual Journey?

Level 1: Tools for the Priestess Path-An online Priestess Power Activation 7-week journey that will give you the foundational understanding to walk the path of the priestess.

This training will give you an introduction to the foundational ability of working with Rituals, Ceremony, and Archetypal Energies of the Goddess's for you to connect deeply to your innate wisdom bringing forth your true-self and the gifts you have to share with the world. Enhancing your own spiritual practice and your tools for deeper evolution.

I invite you to join the waitlist for the next session of beautiful Priestess's. When you are ready to completely step into the path of your heart, and let go of all that no longer serves your highest good. Committing to 7 weeks of your transformation to Evolving, Uniting, Blossoming and Radiating your unlimited potential.

Awaken the Priestess Within

Level 1 Tools for the Spiritual Priestess Journey

7-Week foundational Journey through the Goddess Archetypes for healing and transformation.

Are you ready to begin your spiritual journey and let go of all that is keeping you from Evolving, Uniting, Blossoming and Radiating.

This Priestess training works from the ground up. 

We Ground in order to Evolve.

This is a deeply transformative journey that will help you Evolve and Unite you to your soul's purpose. Walking the path of your heart fully embracing all of you as your gifts Blossom, bringing healing to yourself as you Radiate your love and light to the world.

This Journey is for you if you are ready...

  • To Evolve, opening your heart, the gateway to the divine.
  • To Unite with your soul purpose and bring your gifts into the world.
  • For additional guidance, support, and tools, to assist in your transition as you Evolve into the fullness of your true self.
  • To surrender anything that is holding you back from your true essence.
  • To embrace the depths of your soul and Unite fully with your gifts of magic developing your empathic, psychic abilities, intuition, and channeling, etc.
  • To awaken your authentic voice, speaking your truth with love and crystal clear communication.
  • To step powerfully into your divine feminine leadership with unlimited potential.
  • To surrender to the flow of life, flowing in harmony with nature's rhythms. Knowing that everything happens in divine timing.
  • To hold sacred space for prayer and ceremony, so that you are in greater harmony with yourself and the world as a whole.
  • To reach for new heights everyday raising your frequency in love and gratitude in full acceptance of who you are.
  • To expand your consciousness knowing that nothing is out of your reach. Be the creator of your reality!
  • To balance your masculine/feminine energy, so that you are in greater harmony within yourself.
  • To Evole, Unite, Blossom, and Radiate.
Please put me on the waitlist for the Awaken the Priestess Within 
 Level 1 Priestess Training.

Awaken the Priestess Within

Tools for the Priestess Path.

The 7-week Awaken the Priestess Within Spiritual Journey Level-1, will give you a foundational understanding of the tools for the Priestess Path.

This Online Priestess Training is for you if you wish to:

  • Dig deeper.
  • Commit fully to your spiritual path of healing.
  • Release old belief patterns that keep you from evolving into your true nature.
  • Unitie with your intentions of unconditional love for yourself and the world.
  • Live your life as the artist of your reality.


You may have never heard of the path of the priestess or considered yourself a Priestess, in this life. However, you may have a deep soul connection of having been a Priestess throughout many lifetimes, and have a longing to connect once again. Desiring to bring this to life during your current journey and would love to learn more about the path of Awakening the Priestess Within.

No matter where you are on your journey, when you receive the calling of the Goddess to deepen your spiritual practice and to serve in the awakening of consciousness. You will begin to evolve increasing your intuition and your abilities to be able to see beyond the veil, in order to create the New Paradigm Priestess within.

Evolve, Unite, Blossom and Radiate.

Malinda Starr

Medicine Women, Priestess, Quantum Energy Healing Facilitator, Intuitive,

ThetaHealing Practitioner, IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) Master Instructor.

Awaken the Priestess Within level 1 Spiritual Priestess Journey Initiation. Tools for the Path of the Priestess.

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