Awaken the New Feminine Paradigm of Leadership

November 13-19, 2024

Global Online Summit for Aligned,

Intuitive & Heart-Led Leaders.

Join us for a Transformative FREE online summit with some of the most powerful transformational new thought & heart-led leaders on the planet as they explore what leadership means to them, the difference between the old paradigm and new paradigm leadership, how to activate & develop your feminine new thought leadership power within, transform your fears into aligned action, ignite your passion into power, and your power into your soul path purpose & share valuable tools for your awakening journey so you can truly thrive in this new feminine paradigm of empowerment & heart-led leadership.


I believe we all have a leader within and when we can be a beacon of light in dark times we illuminate the path for ourselves and for others and to me this is aligned leadership.

~Schamet Horsfield

Yes, please add me to the waitlist for the FREE Awaken the Leader Within Online Global Summit!

Activate and awaken the New Feminine Paradigm of Empowered, Intuitive & heart-led Leaders.

Nine incredible days to be activated by some of the most masterful transformational New Thought feminine leaders on the planet.

It is my belief that it is time for a New Feminine Paradigm of leadership to awaken within all of us, as a united force, we are truly UNSTOPPABLE!

"When the water in the harbor rises, all boats will rise." It is time to transform competition into collaboration.

Feminine Leadership is awakening & WE are rising.

If you want to learn more about navigating the new normal and go beyond just surviving but thriving then I invite you to join the movement.

The 'Awaken the New Feminine Paradigm' summit will inspire, educate, and give you tools to support your awakening journey & ignite your passion so you may step into your feminine power, shine your inner light & become the light leader in your own life and in the life of others.

Nine days of transformational conversations with New thought leaders will give you tools to thrive in the new normal and give you powerful tools to help support your awakening journey as we energetically awaken to the new feminine paradigm.

Artwork by Jonathan Weber

REGISTER for the waitlist 

Join the New feminine paradigm movement.

Connect with like-minded aligned souls & make a difference on planet Earth!!!

November 13-19, 2024

"There are all kinds of leaders, but all too few who say:

First, listen deep, to your own heart, then follow in that way."

        -K.R. Halverson

Awaken the New Feminine Paradigm of Leadership within YOU and together WE RISE

Yes, please add me to the waitlist for the Awaken the Leader Within Summit

We need women in positions of power.

Accept leadership roles, for we need you to promote love and compassion.

"Women of the millennium: I am calling on you to take your place at the head of a Compassionate Revolution."

—Dalai Lama

Join the Awaken the New Feminine Paradigm FB Group 

The FEMININE POWER WITHIN us is RISING and women all over the world are awakening and stepping into their power, however doing it all alone can be lonely, exhausting, and overwhelming.

"In the New Feminine Paradigm, we understand that there is power in numbers and together when we support each other, we can move mountains."

Join the New Feminine Paradigm Movement & community of like-minded Intuitive, Compassionate, heart-led souls who are also here to change the world!

Together WE RISE!

Meet Your New Feminine

Paradigm Light Leadership Event Guide:

Schamet Horsfield

Hello, and welcome!

I am so happy you are here because that means you are committed to making this world a better place for yourself and all of humanity! Well done, YOU!

My name is Schamet Horsfield. In Hebrew, my first name means the candle that burns bright.  I am your visionary host for the leadership summit. 

Just a little about who I am for those of you who don't know me...From a very young age, I knew that I was here to help humanity become a better place. I knew I had a mission and purpose and I was here on earth for a very important reason. I have committed my life to transformation, growth, and I work hard to become the best version of who I am every day. I love lighthouses as I endeavor to be a beacon of light during dark times.

I believe each and every one of us has a leader within and when we can learn to lead ourself this is the first step to making the world a better place. When we lead ourself then we can be a lighthouse for others.

I feel that in order to create a new world we must change our beliefs about POWER and LEADERSHIP.  

I feel it is part of my soul path and destiny to bring people together in powerful conversations that transform the way we feel and believe around deeply transformative topics.

It is my honor and blessing to bring you some of the most aligned and transformational New thought leaders to Awaken the Leader Within...YOU!

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